Fried Clams & Best of Luck for 2025

Wow! 2024 was an excellent year for me. It's hard to believe that I made Lafayette my home close to four years ago and that my Best of Luck Homegrown Comedies website launched in November 2022!

2025 is going to be extremely busy for me. I plan to complete my cookbook, "Box and a Bottle," which has been on the shelf too long. I'm also writing another comedy short film and working on projects involving the Acadiana Film Association and Louisiana Wrestling Alliance.

The first goal I accomplished this new year was to transform my guest quarters into a retro Howard Johnson's motel room. This strange idea of changing my spare bedroom occurred on December 20th when I was watching a video of old restaurants and motels that no longer exist on YouTube. Regarding the segment on Howard Johnson's, I immediately began reminiscing about the great memories of the magical eatery with 28 flavors of ice cream, the turquoise booths, and the best fried clams ever—all under one orange roof. Side note - In the early 80s, one of my best friends, James Hopewell, and I would chow down on the famous ALL-U-Can-EAT fried clams every Wednesday night.

Yes, instead of going out to celebrate this New Year's Eve, I was at home opening packages of vintage Howard Johnson collectibles from eBay. The turquoise and orange color scheme turned a dull room into a flashback of wonderful memories. I was so proud of my tribute to Howard Johnsons that I texted former and future guests photos of my masterpiece.

So, here's to good health, good fortune, new projects, and HoJo's fried clams in 2025! I'm so grateful for your support, and I wish you all the best this year!

Cheers - David


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