Submission Addiction

After completing my first short film ‘Brunch before Baptism’, is when I discovered FilmFreeway which is a website for filmmakers to submit their films to hundreds of film festivals globally. I started off slowly and cautiously entering my film into a few festivals – and when I started receiving notifications that ‘Brunch before Baptism’ was selected in the first 5 festivals that I entered, I became obsessed with this habit-forming compulsion.

I understand how people can become addicted to drugs and gambling because all it took was that first email that read: “Congratulations David! Your film has been selected for our festival!”

I eventually stopped being selective in the film festivals I entered. Yes, I craved those alluring laurels and trophies – and not only for myself but I wanted my cast and production crews to be recognized for their talent and hard work as well. Submitting for me was like playing a slot machine. When I got a rejection notice, I would enter more film festivals to make up for my losses. Regardless of what country the film festival was in, I would submit my work - if they had a comedy category.

My wake-up call from over-submitting was when I got my bank statement. Hundreds of dollars were being spent on submission fees to film festivals that I had no business entering.

Today, I can say that I’m in full recovery from my submission addiction and I choose wisely when it comes to entering my short films into festivals. Now - if only I could kick my bad habits of coffee and nicotine, I’d be in great shape.

– David


LOL JAX Film Festival


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