The 5th anniversary of a dream that came true!
“I need an arrogant sleazeball with a used car salesman’s mentality who wouldn’t mind showing his bare ass on film.”
“I’m your man!” replied Tom.
Men Who Cook & Men Who Mix
As of today, the Men Who Cook & Men Who Mix event is one of River Oaks Art Square Center’s most successful and profitable fundraisers.
Something Sweet Added To Sorrow
I don’t know how I did it, but I baked cookies that night as I was suffering from grief and depression.
Best Easter Ever!
One of the many events held for these children is the Annual Easter Egg Hunt and I had the honor of being the Easter Bunny.
A Box and A Bottle
Look out Betty Crocker and Sara Lee! There’s a new insane sheriff in town who plans to bring fun and laughter into baking!
Brand New Year - Brand New Brand!
I want to get an early start on 2023 by thanking all of you for making my passions happen! I wish you all the best and 2023 is going to be our year!